std::uint32_t GetState() const noexcept
void SetState(std::uint32_t state) noexcept
static void SetSleepTime(std::uint32_t ns) noexcept
static std::uint32_t GetSleepTime() noexcept
static void SetFrequency(std::uint32_t freq) noexcept
static void SetCacheSize(std::uint32_t size) noexcept
static IStackAllocator & GetAllocator() noexcept
virtual void SetMinStackSize(std::size_t bytes)=0
static void SetHardwareConcurrency(unsigned int hardware_concurrency) noexcept
static void SetTickLength(std::uint32_t tick) noexcept
void SetRandomListPick(std::uint32_t k) noexcept
void SetSeed(std::uint32_t new_seed)
void SetAtomicWeakFailFrequency(std::uint32_t k)
std::uint64_t GetRandCount()
void ForwardToRandCount(std::uint64_t random_count)
void ForwardToFaultRandomCount(std::uint64_t random_count) noexcept
Forwards random count for fiber-based execution to supplied one.
std::uint32_t GetInjectorState() noexcept
void SetFaultTickLength(std::uint32_t ns) noexcept
Sets the amount of time to be added to fiber's scheduler time after each schedule cycle.
void SetHardwareConcurrency(std::uint32_t c) noexcept
Sets hardware_concurrency in fiber based execution.
void SetStackCacheSize(std::uint32_t c) noexcept
Sets fiber stack cache size for fault injection.
void SetFaultRandomListPick(std::uint32_t k) noexcept
Sets the length of scheduler queue prefix and suffix from which the next schedule candidate will be c...
void SetInjectorState(std::uint32_t state) noexcept
Sets injector state to the supplied one.
void SetStackSize(std::uint32_t pages) noexcept
Sets fiber stack size for fault injection in pages.
std::uint64_t GetFaultRandomCount() noexcept
detail::Injector * GetInjector() noexcept
void SetSeed(std::uint32_t seed) noexcept
Sets seed for random, which will be used when deciding when to yield, for fibers scheduler and random...
void SetAtomicFailFrequency(std::uint32_t k) noexcept
Sets frequency with which compare_exchange_weak would fail.
void SetFaultSleepTime(std::uint32_t ns) noexcept
Sets sleep time if sleep is used instead of yield for interrupting thread execution for fault injecti...
void SetFaultFrequency(std::uint32_t freq) noexcept
Sets frequency with which fault will be injected.
Contract< V, E > MakeContract()
Creates related future and promise.
std::uint32_t GetFaultSleepTime() noexcept