C++ library for concurrent tasks execution
This is the complete list of members for yaclib::Result< ValueT, E >, including all inherited members.
Error() &=delete | yaclib::Result< ValueT, E > | |
Error() const &&=delete | yaclib::Result< ValueT, E > | |
Error() &&noexcept | yaclib::Result< ValueT, E > | inline |
Error() const &noexcept | yaclib::Result< ValueT, E > | inline |
Exception() &=delete | yaclib::Result< ValueT, E > | |
Exception() const &&=delete | yaclib::Result< ValueT, E > | |
Exception() &&noexcept | yaclib::Result< ValueT, E > | inline |
Exception() const &noexcept | yaclib::Result< ValueT, E > | inline |
Internal() | yaclib::Result< ValueT, E > | inline |
Ok() &=delete | yaclib::Result< ValueT, E > | |
Ok() const &&=delete | yaclib::Result< ValueT, E > | |
Ok() && | yaclib::Result< ValueT, E > | inline |
Ok() const & | yaclib::Result< ValueT, E > | inline |
operator bool() const noexcept | yaclib::Result< ValueT, E > | inlineexplicit |
operator=(Result &&other) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_move_assignable_v< Variant >)=default | yaclib::Result< ValueT, E > | |
operator=(const Result &other) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_copy_assignable_v< Variant >)=default | yaclib::Result< ValueT, E > | |
operator=(Arg &&arg) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_assignable_v< Variant, Arg >) | yaclib::Result< ValueT, E > | inline |
Result(Result &&other) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_move_constructible_v< Variant >)=default | yaclib::Result< ValueT, E > | |
Result(const Result &other) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_copy_constructible_v< Variant >)=default | yaclib::Result< ValueT, E > | |
Result(Args &&... args) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_constructible_v< Variant, std::in_place_type_t< V >, Args &&... >) | yaclib::Result< ValueT, E > | inline |
Result(std::in_place_t, Args &&... args) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_constructible_v< Variant, std::in_place_type_t< V >, Args &&... >) | yaclib::Result< ValueT, E > | inline |
Result(std::exception_ptr exception) noexcept | yaclib::Result< ValueT, E > | inline |
Result(E error) noexcept | yaclib::Result< ValueT, E > | inline |
Result(StopTag tag) noexcept | yaclib::Result< ValueT, E > | inline |
Result() noexcept | yaclib::Result< ValueT, E > | inline |
State() const noexcept | yaclib::Result< ValueT, E > | inline |
Value() &=delete | yaclib::Result< ValueT, E > | |
Value() const &&=delete | yaclib::Result< ValueT, E > | |
Value() &&noexcept | yaclib::Result< ValueT, E > | inline |
Value() const &noexcept | yaclib::Result< ValueT, E > | inline |